Request Formats

All requests must:

  1. Be sent using the HTTPS protocol as any request made to an unsecure HTTP address will return an error.
  2. Include an API Key and signature. (see "User Authentication" for more information)

Requests can:

  1. Specify a response format - if no extension or a ".json" is appended to the method name a JSON response will be returned. Append a ".xml" to the end of the method name in order to receive results formatted as XML.

Below is a general templates for request URLs:

https://<yoursubdomain><method_name><.json or .xml>
  <optional parameters for GET requests>

For example, to retrieve list all files in the path "/" sorted by oldest to newest in XML format, use the following URL:

https://<yoursubdomain><your key>
  &path=/&sort_by=date_asc&timestamp=<current time>&signature=<signature>

Response Formats

For the example above, a successful response in XML format would look like this:

        <formattedSize>690.08 KB</formattedSize>
        <formattedModDate>6/19/13, 4:57 pm EDT</formattedModDate>

For the example above, an error response in XML format would look like this:

    <title>Authentication Failed</title>
    <message>Authentication parameters missing or invalid.</message>

For the example above, a successful response in JSON format would look like this:

         "formattedSize":"690.08 KB",
         "formattedModDate":"6\/19\/13, 4:57 pm EDT",

For the example above, an error response in JSON format would look like this:

{"error":{"title":"Authentication Failed","message":"Authentication parameters missing or invalid."}}

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